Bladder stones in dogs
Bladder stones can form in dogs just like they do in humans. The stones themselves (uroliths or calculi) can be described as rock-like collections of minerals that form in the urinary bladder. [...]
Ringworm – signs, diagnosis and treatment
Despite the name, ringworm is not a worm (or even caused by a worm), but a fungal infection of the top layers of the skin and hair. The kinds of fungi that [...]
Cat ‘Flu’ – Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Cat flu is a common and highly contagious disease in unvaccinated cats of all ages. It tends to be particularly severe in kittens. The two viruses associated with cat flu are Feline [...]
Fighting – wounds and infections – the fighting spirit
The familiar sounds of late night cries and squeals are often the first obvious sign that a cat fight has taken place. Cats are instinctively territorial. They fight with other cats to [...]
What is a cataract? Inside the eye is a lens that focuses light on the back of the eye or the retina. Vision occurs at the retina. The structure of the eye [...]
Food allergy
What causes food allergies? A food allergy is a reaction by an individual animal to a particular substance in their food. This occurs when the bodies' response to normal food becomes 'confused', [...]